Grand Fortress Magic

Grand Fortress Magic

7/18/20231 min read

Grand Fortress Magic

Growing up in the base called the "Grand Fortress" I encountered perplexing incidents that defied logical explanations. One particular place that held an air of fascination was the Russian Orthodox Church left in ruins from the war and never reconstructed. My mother and I used to visit candles; she prayed while I would delve into my thoughts and dreams.

It is often said that certain children possess a connection with the universe and I was no exception. I distinctly remember experiencing phenomena. Just imagine a scorching day both inside and outside your home then suddenly exhaling vapor as if it were freezing cold feeling a shiver coursing through your being. This is something I have personally encountered. To this day there remains no rationale behind it.

Within our barracks serving as our living quarters, another peculiar incident occurred frequently—the shattering of glassware. On one occasion a glass filled with water inexplicably burst in my hand. It wasn't due to temperatures— an enigma that none of us could unravel.

My heightened senses and intuitive nature often become topics of conversation, among those who know me.
I've been told times that I have a knack, for understanding people and anticipating their behaviors and decisions. While I acknowledge my sensitivity it doesn't provide any solutions to the enigmas that enveloped my years in the stronghold.

So let me ask you; Have you ever come across phenomena? I highly doubt I'm the one who has had encounters and that's precisely what adds to the fascination and bewilderment surrounding the memories of the "Grand Fortress."

Fragment from the book "Born for Freedom".
Author ©Kristal Duval

Pictures credits unknown.
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