Within the walls

Within the walls

7/9/20231 min read

Within the walls.

My family has a background with both my parents being involved in the disciplined world of the armed forces. My father had a stint serving in Germany, which greatly influenced his character and even led him to pursue his passion, for music by starting a rock band. On the other hand, my mother dedicated 25 years of her life to serving in the army right in Armenia. It was on this land that their paths crossed, resulting in an upbringing for me within the secure walls of Military Base 102.

This fortress, established back in 1837 during the time of the Russian Empire gained recognition when Emperor Nicholas I paid a visit and renamed the city Alexandropol after his wife, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. With historical roots, this base became its own distinct world, sheltered from external influences and meticulously guarded. Located on the border with Turkey it was part of an entity known as the Group of Russian Forces in Transcaucasia.

Referring to our living quarters as "barracks" wouldn't do them justice. They were transformed into homes where we lived, with Russian stove, built by my uncle from my mother's side.

The base checkpoint served as our boundary to the world, a strict line that only military personnel or those, with special clearance, could cross. However, within these walls, I grew up in an environment that was both nurturing and disciplined filled with the enduring love of a family.

So even though I spent my childhood on base and fortress I also experienced love, imagination, and an unyielding spirit. The walls of Military Base 102 may have limited my surroundings. They never constrained my ambitions or dreams. This duality has shaped me into the person I am. Beyond the guarded checkpoints of Military Base 102 lies not a military stronghold but the first world I ever knew.

Pictures that you can see are the Black Fortress, which is smaller, and a Grand Fortress, the military base.

Fragment from the book "Born for Freedom".
Author ©Kristal Duval

Pictures credits unknown.
If you are the creator, write to email@kristalwriter.world